This research aims to investigate the effect of wordless books on the narrative skills of children in the preschool period. The study group consists of 58 children (29 experimental, 29 control) aged 58–70 months attending official independent kindergartens in the İpekyolu district of Van province. The research was designed in a quasi-experimental pretest–posttest control group design. For 10 weeks, children in the experimental group engaged in activities with wordless books, while no intervention was applied to the control group. The Storytelling Evaluation Form (SEF) developed by Işıtan (2010) and a personal information form were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data, non-parametric tests were applied: the Mann–Whitney U-test for independent groups, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test for dependent groups, and the Friedman test for dependent multiple group comparisons. The findings indicate that the initial scores of both groups were equivalent and that there was no significant difference between the pretest score averages. However, a significant difference in favor of the experimental group was detected in the posttest results. No significant difference was found between the posttest and retention test results of the children in the experimental group. These results show that educational environments supported by wordless books have a positive and lasting effect on children's narrative skills.
Cite this article as: Taşkın, Z., & Canan Durmuşoğlu, M. (2025). Sessiz kitapların 58–70 aylık çocukların anlatı becerilerine etkisi. HAYEF: Journal of Education, 22, 0048, doi: 10.5152/ hayef.2025.24048.