Development of the Marmara Financial Literacy Attitude and Behavior Scale
Lütfullah ÇELİKTEN, M. Cihangir DOĞAN
(HAYEF: Journal of Education 2020; 17: 199-221) DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2020.20017
Lütfullah ÇELİKTEN, M. Cihangir DOĞAN
(HAYEF: Journal of Education 2020; 17: 199-221) DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2020.20017
(HAYEF: Journal of Education 2022; 19: 9-17) DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2021.21031
(HAYEF: Journal of Education 2023; 20: 85-92) DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2023.61