HAYEF: Journal of Education
Araştırma Makaleleri

Being a Teacher in BİLSEM: A Sample from Ankara


Hacettepe University, Department of Educational Administration, Ankara, Turkey

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2021; 18: 193-219
DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2021.20030
Okunma: 3406 İndirilme: 1270 Online Yayın Tarihi: 18 Haziran 2021

This study aimed to reveal the evaluations of teachers who work in Science and Art Centers (BİLSEM) about being a teacher there. This qualitative study is structured according to the phenomenology design. A total of 18 teachers working in BİLSEMs located in Ankara constituted the study group. Qualitative data were collected with a structured interview form. Content analysis method was used in the analysis of data. The teachers stated that they were pleased to work with gifted and talented students, and working in BİLSEM increased their motivation to improve themselves. However, they criticized the parents’ expectations, the managers’ attitudes, working hours, and insufficient technical equipment. However, despite the problems, most participants stated that they would recommend other teachers to come work in BİLSEM. Multiple suggestions were presented according to the problems raised in the study.

Cite this article as: Kır, S., & Akbaşlı, S. (2021). Being a Teacher in BİLSEM: A Sample from Ankara. HAYEF: Journal of Education, 18(2), 193-219.

EISSN 2602-4829