HAYEF: Journal of Education

The Effect of Empathy Skills Pscyho Training Program On Gifted Adolescents


Fatih Sultan Mehmet Üniversitesi


Fatih Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, İstanbul, Türkiye

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2016; 13: 23-36
Read: 5337 Downloads: 1374 Published: 20 April 2016

This study aims to examine the effect of “Empathy Skills Psycho Training Program” on the gifted adolescents studying in 6th and 7th grades. The sample consists of 60 students with IQ scores of above 130 and study in Enderun Gifted Children Center. Bryant’s Empathy Scale for Children, developed in 1982 and adapted into Turkish by Yüksel in 2003, was administered to these students. 16 students with empathy scores below 10 were chosen, and randomly separated into two groups as experimental and control groups. Pretest and posttest control group design was used in the study. Prepared Empathy Training Program was conducted on experimental group once a week for an hour, totally eight weeks. No treatment was given to the control group. Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze the data and it was seen that empathy skill levels of the students in experimental group have increased significantly compared to the students in control group. So, it can be said that the applied training program affected empathy skills of gifted adolescents positively and led to an increase in their empathy scores. It is thought that this kind of studies will lead to equal development in all developmental areas by converting the asynchronous development into a positive way, which will increase the life efficiency of gifted individuals.

EISSN 2602-4829