HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

An Investigation of Research on Gender and Language Learning Strategies: What is the Message for the Classroom Teacher ?


Indiana University

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2007; 4: 89-108
Read: 3211 Downloads: 1384 Published: 03 November 2019

This study synthesizes the research on gender and language learning that looks specifically at issues concerning learner strategies, in an attempt to elicit whether there is enough information to support the assumption that females are indeed better language learners than males. On the basis of this synthesis, the author emphasizes equal opportunity of success, regardless of the learners' sex, and argues for an informative and practical position on the question of potential gender differences in strategy use for language teachers in practice, highlighting the need for the integration of successful strategy instruction into language classes and curricula.

EISSN 2602-4829