HAYEF: Journal of Education

Exploring The Effects of “Education of Teacher About Gifted Student in My Classroom” On The Differences of Teachers’ Views




Orta Doğu Teknik Univercity

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2016; 13: 1-10
Read: 5193 Downloads: 1251 Published: 20 April 2016

Nowadays, gifted students and theireducational needs have great importance. Gifted students who are educatedtogether with other random students are deprived of applications suitable fortheir educational and developmental needs. Teachers are not knowledgeable aboutor aware of how they can differentiate their lessons in accordance with theneeds of these students. Hence, education of teachers in terms of giftedstudents is crucial. “Education of Teacher about Gifted Students in MyClassroom” was carried out based on this purpose and teachers were educatedabout gifted students with a program comprised of 3 modules.  In this study, differences in the views of 20teachers who participated in this education about gifted students and in-classand out-of-class applications for these students were analyzed. The aim of thisstudy is to explore the differences of the teacher views. The differences ofviews from pre and post views in the forms were analyzed by means of contentanalysis and the data were collected in four main categories. In thesecategories, teacher views were handled as “Awareness of In-Class Practices”, “Awarenessof the Opportunities for Extra-Curricular Practices Out-of- School” “The SelfEfficacy Competency about Gifted Students” and “ Identifying Gifted Student in Classroom”. This study fills asignificant gap both in theory and practice by offering suggestions for the giftededucation problems and providing an appropriate education.  There is a need to conduct similar studiesbased on scientific solutions and analyze the effects and efficacy of thesestudies on students and teachers to identify and know the gifted studentsand  to increase the awareness of and getknowledgeable about in and out-of class activities.

EISSN 2602-4829