HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Yaratıcı Eğitim Çalışmalarında Bir Araç: Tiyatro ve Canlandırma


İÜ HAYEF, Fransızca Dili Eğitimi ABD

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2004; 1: 261-271
Read: 3326 Downloads: 1198 Published: 05 November 2019

The education system in Turkey with its authoritarian structure is increasingly getting away from educating people according to the contemporary norms which is appropriate with our time. When we question the place of child In this authoritarien edudcation system, we see that, the child takes the knowledge as a mass without thinking on it and without transforming it to his or her own statement. In other words s/he learns it by heart without interiorizing the knowledge and gives it back in the original form when it is asked. By the time passing, the knowledge becomes a pile and it's forgotten easily. In such a system the child becomes someone who satisfy only with the given and not aware of his or her own capacity and potential. Students in this system passive, far away from creativity, not productive at all and never take risks. In this study our aim is to propose new methods which will help to put the children in the center and give the chance to state themselves ans also give the opportinities to develop their senses, how we can study any subject by using theatre and dramatization and how we can get children by the help of games are the questions to be answered will be the content of this study.

EISSN 2602-4829