HAYEF: Journal of Education

Scaling Types of Test with The Method of Absolute Judgement and Assessing Them with The Students’ Views



HAYEF: Journal of Education 2017; 14: 143-162
Read: 5187 Downloads: 1241 Published: 02 April 2017

The aim of this study is to scale thetypes of tests with the method of absolute judgement and to investigate thereasons of the students’ judgements on them. For this study, the data wasgathered from 243 pedagogical formation students at Istanbul University HasanAli Yücel Education Faculty in 2014-2015 academic year. As a first step, six typesof test have been scaled with the method of absolute judgement. As a secondstep, with regard to the scale values of test types, the reasons of the degreesgiven to the test types by the students have been investigated by using thecontent analysis. Considering their degrees, multiple choice tests are mostfavoured one among types of tests, oral exams, on the other hand, are leastpreferable. The reasons of the students’ positive and negative judgements ontypes of tests were gathered under ten topics of category and it was observedthat the arising judgements correspond to the characteristics of the types oftests in literature. As a conclusion, it can be said that students whoparticipated to this research had experienced the positive and negative sides ofthe types of tests in their previous educational lives. 

EISSN 2602-4829