HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles



İstanbul Üniversitesi, Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi, İlköğretim Bölümü, Matematik Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2007; 4: 17-27
Read: 3546 Downloads: 1298 Published: 03 November 2019

The teaching profession is an important factor in the social, economic, cultural, and political development of a society. Our country, like all other countries, attaches great importance to the profession. Providing a good education and rising the performance of the society will be through the efforts of well-qualified teachers. The best part of the burden in training well-qualified teachers rests on the teacher training institutions. Therefore, all countries have focused on education activities and the motto is basically "better qualified teachers for a better education". An effective and ~efficient education is only possib~lelhrough training qualified teachers. Trie aim of this study is to perform an analytical examination of the historical development of institutions that have been educating primary school teachers from the early Republic period up today. The opinions of higher training college graduate academics, training college graduate class teachers, and of academics and class teachers who are graduates of education faculties of universities are included in the study. Eleven class teachers appointed in Istanbul and seven academics from Department of Primary Education, Hasan AH Yucel Education Faculty, Istanbul University have been interviewed to discover their opinions on the historical development of teacher training institutions from the early Republic period up today. The researcher prepared six open-ended questions consulting with three experts for this semi-structured interview. The interviews were recorded with the consent of the participants. Semi-structured form and recording of interviews were used for data collection. Interview recordings were subjected to descriptive analysis. The interviews about the historical development of institutions that have been educating primary school teachers from the early Republic period up today have been analyzed one by one, and the findings revealed by the interviews and based on the answers given to the six pre-prepared questions are presented. The findings of the interviews and interpretations demonstrate that class teachers and Education Faculty academics are well versed about the historical background of primary school teacher training. They have compared the teacher training institutions they have graduated from with education faculties and have delivered favorable opinions on the restructuring efforts of education faculties. The teaching profession is an applied profession, thus School Experience l-ll and Teaching Applications courses should be given more credit, discipline should be maintained in internship practices, and teachers should be trained as guides for students rather than instructors. Education faculties in most Turkish universities offer courses in cooperation with the faculty of letter and faculty of sciences. The number of fully employed lecturers in education faculties should be increased.

EISSN 2602-4829