HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Comparison of the 21st Century Skills and Climate Literacy: A Study on the Gifted and Undiagnosed Gifted Secondary School Students


İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Insttute of Graduate Studies, Gifted Educaton Doctorate Program,İstanbul, Turkey


Department of Special Educaton, İstanbul Unversity-Cerrahpaşa Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Educaton, İstanbul, Turkey

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2024; 21: 21-31
DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2024.22072
Read: 1970 Downloads: 748 Published: 25 January 2024

The purpose of the study was to compare the 21st century skills and climate literacy skills of gifed and undiagnosed gifed secondary school students. The survey model, one of the quanttatve research methods, was utlized in the study. The study was implemented with a total of 376 secondary school students, 183 of whom were gifed and 193 of whom were undiagnosed gifed, who were selected through the model of convenient sampling. “Personal informaton form,” “climate literacy scale,” and “21st century skills scale” were all used as data collecton tools in the study. For the analysis of the data, descriptve statstcs, independent sample t-test and regression analysis were used. As far as the results obtained from the study are concerned, it was revealed that there was a signifcant diference in favor of the gifed students in terms of the sub-dimensions of the 21st century skills scale and the gender variable in general. Similarly, it was also found that there was a signifcant diference in favor of the gifed students regarding the general climate literacy scale and in terms of the sub-dimensions, between the groups and by the gender variable. Furthermore, the study results revealed that while the 21st century skills and the gifedness diagnosis status had a signifcant efect on the climate literacy, it had no regulatory efect.

Cite this artcle as: Yılmaz, S. B., & Emir, S. (2024). Comparison of the 21st century skills and climate literacy: A study on the gifted and undiagnosed gifted secondary school students. HAYEF: Journal of Educaton, 21(1), 21-31.

EISSN 2602-4829