HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles



İstanbul Üniversitesi Enformatik Bölümü

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2014; 11: 219-236
Read: 7622 Downloads: 1952 Published: 31 October 2019

This study has been carried out to determine the factors of perception of academic success of associate degree and undergraduate students and that of those completing their bachelor’s degree in web based distance education. In this study, we have primarily examined the literature of distance education and web based distance education. "Academic Success Evaluation Survey" has been developed to collect data from the literature concerned. From the data obtained from this survey, whether the factors of perception of academic success of the students taking part in the survey differs according to the variables of sex, marital status, experience in distance education, request to pass the formal education, connect to the internet area, city, age, class, faculty, knowledge level about computer, duration of the Internet, study time, and reasons to choose the distance education have been presented. The scale consisting of 14 articles, resulted from reliability is called "Scale of Attitude towards Distant Learning System." It has been determined that scale of attitude towards distant learning system’s Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient level is 0.,813; the significance level of article analysis is p<0.005; KMO sample adequacy level is 0.898; and total variance level is 66.548%. As a result of the difference tests done, while a significant statistical difference (p<0.05) among the subgroups belonging to some demographic variables has been established, in some of them, a statistically significant difference has not been found.

EISSN 2602-4829