HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Learner Autonomy, Implications for ELT and Prospective Teachers’ Perception of Changing Teacher Roles in The Context of HAYEF


İstanbul Üniv., H.A.Y.E.F.

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2016; 13: 17-30
Read: 5522 Downloads: 1336 Published: 30 October 2019

Contrary to the traditional understanding of education that heavily relies on the accumulation of knowledge, learner autonomy brings under focus a new type of learning that prioritizes strategy focused, critical instruction where the individual takes on the responsibilty of his/her own learning and utilizes his/her own resources to this end. The aim of this study is to portray the concept of learner autonomy with its implications for foreign language teaching and to investigate the extent of importance attributed to the teacher roles that have been reshaped in the post-autonomy as percieved by the teacher candidates. To this end, the research initially highlights the implications of learner autonomy on the language class with particular references to global and Turkish contexts of ELT, also featuring the results of a quasi-quantitative survey based on importance listing scale which was conducted with the English teacher candidates at Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education (N=57), seeking response to the question of “to what extent are the autonomy related teacher roles adopted by the teacher candidates?”. The results indicate that while autonomy associated teacher roles that prioritize strategy-based, self-directed learning and interaction are on the most part adopted by the prospective teachers, “motivating”, regarded among the traditional teacher roles, is still recognized as notably important.

EISSN 2602-4829