HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Needs of Families with Gifted Children in Türkiye


Department of Special Education, Anadolu University Faculty of Education, Eskişehir, Türkiye


Department of Special Education, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Faculty of Education, Rize, Türkiye


Department of Special Education, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Education, Hatay, Türkiye


Department of Special Education, Ordu University Faculty of Education, Ordu, Türkiye


Department of Special Education, Düzce University Faculty of Education, Düzce, Türkiye

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2023; 20: 279-287
DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2023.23028
Read: 3245 Downloads: 1008 Published: 05 October 2023

This study aims to determine the needs of families of gifed children and how they feel about them. To investgate the areas that require further support, the goal was to reach out to families with gifed children in Türkiye. The study was carried out using a descriptve research method. Provinces were selected from 12 regions representng the country determined by the Statstcal Regional Units Classifcaton System. Then, the Science and Art Centers in these provinces and state insttutons working with gifed individuals were contacted. A need assessment form was sent to the parents whose children are benefciaries of these insttutons. Content analysis was implemented to analyze a total of 1174 responses obtained from 253 parents and to determine the presence of certain concepts, themes and words. As a result of the research, it was observed that parents feel inadequate in their relatonships with their children, experience self-regulaton-related problems, and do not know how to provide guidance. As a unique contributon to the literature, it was also observed that parents feel concerned about whether their children are using technology in a qualifed manner.

Cite this artcle as: Demirel Dingeç, Ş., Bayar, S., Kılıçarslan, S., Tamul, Ö. F., & Ünal, N. E. (2023). Needs of gifed childrenfamilies with gifed children in Türkiye. HAYEF: Journal of Educaton, 20(3), 279-287.

EISSN 2602-4829