HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Matematik Öğretmeni Yetiştirilmesinde Proje Tabanlı Eğitim Süreciyle Adaylarda Proje Kavramının Oluşturulması Yaklaşımı


İstanbul Üniversitesi Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2008; 5: 11-24
Read: 4008 Downloads: 1286 Published: 03 November 2019

Basic aim of the coexisting approaches is to educate entities as informed individuals to meet the needs of new society. In this context; the project-based education approach can be said to be an important new model in terms of providing the necessary conditions for trainees to gain the expected skills and knowledge in the process of learning and teaching. To equip students to become successful individuals at the age of information is the basic duty of teachers. For that reason it is very -important-tQ-equip-teachers-with-skills^nd-knowledge-te-prepare-tasks-andapply them to classroom practices. This study aims to determine the manners of trainees towards project-based learning. To make diligent research, scanning method was taken as a research method. Fourth-class students (56 students) in the department of mathematics Education in Hasan Ali Yücel Education Faculty of İstanbul University were the subjects to this research. The course of "Micro Teaching Techniques" was chosen to apply project-based learning process. Research started with the introduction of the project-based learning to students. Second step was asking students to prepare projects. This process was evaluated by the help of questionnaire, interview and observation. The data gathered from the research were analyzed by using SPSS. Results of research show that: Students think that project-based learning is effective approach for learning and teaching mathematics, that project-based learning approach provides the techniques for life-long learning and knowledge and skills to solve the problems that students encounter in real life, that the approach of "how to do something" is important than "what to do" which necessitates to work with teachers cooperatively. Project-based learning provides a creative learning environment. Projects that are prepared for teaching mathematics lessen the fear and anxiety of students. However it is found that students are not sure whether they can use the approach of project-based teaching successfully in large classes and can reach the objectives of the existing curriculums. Teaching of mathematics effectively necessitates projectbased learning approach. That's why it is essential for teachers and trainees to learn the functions of this method. Project method related to mathematics should take place in the curriculum of under-graduate programs and seminars should be organized for teachers to show the role and importance of project-based learning. For effective learning this method should be used to teach mathematics. Researches about the attitude of teachers and trainees towards project-based learning should be done.

EISSN 2602-4829