HAYEF: Journal of Education

Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach and Investigation of Biology Teacher Training Program


Atatürk Üniversitesi, K. K. Eğitim Fak. Biyoloji A.B.D., Erzurum

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2016; 13: 17-26
Read: 5697 Downloads: 1284 Published: 28 July 2016

In this study, difficulties encountered ininterdisciplinary teaching, studies about overcoming those difficulties andinterdisciplinary cases of national / international biology teaching programswere investigated.  As a result of thestudies it was observed an increase in the academic achievement, motivation,attitude and critical thinking dispositions of the students towardsinterdisciplinary teaching approach. In addition, it was examined that theyhave no difficulty in solving the daily life problems including sciencesubjects and they can communicate effectively with individuals of differentdisciplines. Biology teaching programs in Germany, the Great Britain and the UnitedStates are known to have adopted a multidisciplinary approach, and teacher candidateswho graduated from this brunch are licensed particularly from the field ofbiology, and also chemistry, physics and earth sciences. Within the scope ofthis approach, 11 biology teacher training programs in Turkey were, afterwards,subjected; however, such an approach was not encountered in those programs andit was realized in the present programs that majority of interdisciplinarylessons are elective lessons and the allotted hours are much less. The studyends with offering suggestions on the subject matter.

EISSN 2602-4829