HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Investigating the Correlation Between Elementary Students’ Reflective Thinking Skills Towards Problem Solving and Academic Success in Science and Technology Course with Structural Equation Modeling


Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2013; 10: 1-12
Read: 4865 Downloads: 1298 Published: 01 November 2019

The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between reflective thinking skills towards problem solving and academic success of elementary students in science and technology course with structural equation modelling. The correlative investigation model was adopted in the research. The sample of the research consisted of 254 students from five public elementary schools, chosen employing random sampling method. In order to answer the research question, “The reflective thinking skill towards problem solving scale” (Kızılkaya and Aşkar, 2009) was used in the study. Also, the data in relation with students’ academic success in science and technology course were gathered from their school report cards regarding the fall semester. In this research, LISREL 8.51 structural equation software was used in model establishing by using the observed variables predicted. According to the findings obtained in the research, it was found out that the compatibility index results of the constructed equation model, the model-data compatibility was found out to be sufficient in the research [χ2/df=1.49; GFI=0.93; CFI=0.95; AGFI=0.89; RMSEA=0.050; RMR=0.064; SRMR=0.048; NFI=0.88; NNFI=0.94]. In the regression equation, it was found out that the variables best predicting students’ academic success in science and technology course were questioning, reasoning and evaluating sub-dimensions in relation to the reflective thinking skills towards problem solving.

EISSN 2602-4829