HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

Views of Science Teachers on STEM-based Science Education


Erciyes Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Kayseri, Türkiye

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2019; 16: 182-220
DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2019.19016
Read: 7644 Downloads: 4694 Published: 08 November 2019

This study aims to determine the views of science teachers on science education based on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The study group includes six teachers acquiring the STEM-based science education organized by the Kayseri Provincial Directorate of National Education R&D team in the academic year of 2017–2018. The study was conducted using qualitative research methods and a case study design. Semi-structured interviews were used as the data collection tool. The data were analyzed through content analysis. Thus, codes, themes made in accordance with these codes, and categories involving the themes were formed. The findings of the study were evaluated using four categories and eleven themes. It is concluded that participant teachers associated science with different disciplines such as mathematics, engineering, and technology. In this study, science teachers participating in STEM-based science education had positive views and thought that this type of training should be organized more often, science education should be interdisciplinary, and that STEM education was important for developing learning output. Further, as a result of the self-evaluation of participant teachers, it was concluded that teachers were aware of their strong and weak aspects in STEM education and thought that STEM activities were practicable in science lessons. Considering these results, it can be suggested that research and applications related to STEM-based science education should be increased.

Cite this article as: Doğan, E., Saraçoğlu, S., (2019). Views of Science Teachers on STEM-based Science Education. HAYEF: Journal of Education, 16(2); 182-220.

EISSN 2602-4829