HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles



Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fransızca Mütercim-Tercümanlık Anabilim Dalı

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2013; 10: 103-112
Read: 4981 Downloads: 1198 Published: 01 November 2019

It is a generally accepted opinion that the age of learner is a very important factor in the second language acquisition. According to critical age hypothesis, teaching French as second language is late for a 18-year-old learner who begins to study French at university without studying it at secondary school. It seems very difficult to acquire four basic language skills and then make translation for learner who begins second language learning. However, we need the most efficient method, approach and strategy to have the learners acquired four basic skills at the highest level and have them make translation in second language learning. Because of this, we can apply for process approach to develop their consciousness and competence of translation. The aim of this study is to apply process approach to ‘’easy French’’ news texts of Radio-France Internationale (RFI), to determine translation problems arising from equivalence and linguistic competence, to discuss these problems in the context of foreign language teaching and teaching translation, to raise learners’ awareness and to encourage learners to use all facilities of both languages at the highest level. Sample of study consists of the third grade students who study in French Translation- Interpreting Department of Kırıkkale University in 2012-2013 academic year and choose « Printed Press course ». At the end of the study, positive effects of process approach on the learners have been observed. But learners have been observed not to improve four basic language skills exactly. However, it has been seen that it is enough for them to see the text in written form. Learners have been noticed to improve their reading comprehension and writing skills at most thanks to written text. As a conclusion, it has been made out that learners need to improve their translation competence as much as listening comprehension and speaking skills.

EISSN 2602-4829