HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

The Turkish Adaptation of Teacher Efficacy Scale for Classroom Diversity


Dicle Üniversitesi, Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi, Diyarbakır-Türkiye

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2016; 13: 187-200
Read: 5408 Downloads: 1325 Published: 30 October 2019

The purpose of this study is to adapt the teacher efficacy scale for classroom diversity to Turkish and to investigate its psychometric properties. The research was conducted on a study group who consisted of 214 teachers during 2014-2015 education year Fall semester. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were performed in order to measure the scale's construct validity. As a result of EFA, a structure which explains 43.39% of total variance with a single factor similar to original version was obtained. The CFA results indicated that the single-factor structure of the original form of the scale was confirmed in the Turkish sample. The reliability of the scale was calculated via composite reliability and it was found as .85. The item analysis reported that the corrected item total correlations ranged from .48 and .67 and the differences between the top and bottom 27% groups were significant for all the items included in the scale. Based on these results could be argued that the Turkish form of the scale is reliable and valid and can be used in order to determine teachers’ efficacy for classroom diversity.

EISSN 2602-4829