HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles

The Effect of Using Movies and Stories in Teaching Space in Primary School Fourth Grades on Space Attitude and Space Permanence Achievement


Department of Primary Educaton, Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Educaton, İstanbul, Turkey

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2024; 21: 41-48
DOI: 10.5152/hayef.2024.23003
Read: 1886 Downloads: 685 Published: 25 January 2024

The study aims to determine the efect of processing the space unit at the fourth-grade level using movies and stories on students’ attudes and academic achievements. A quasi-experimental design with a pre-test-post-test control group was used in the study. In the study group of the research, there are 180 fourth-grade students selected by random cluster sampling method from public primary schools in Istanbul. We gathered the study’s data for experimental group 1, experimental group 2, and the control group. We obtained these data using the space attude scale and the space performance achievement test. Statstcal procedures such as t test and analysis of variance were used in the analysis of the data of the research. The research concluded that the actvites performed with traditonal methods, movies, and stories did not signifcantly afect students’ knowledge levels based on superfcial meaning development (remembering, recognizing, fnding, and matching) about space. However, it has been seen that the science course, which is taught with both cinema and stories, is more efectve in increasing the knowledge levels of students based on in-depth meaning development.

Cite this artcle as: Başaran, M., & Erol, M. (2024). The efect of using movies and stories in teaching space in primary school 4th grades on space attude and space permanence achievement. HAYEF: Journal of Educaton, 21(1), 41-48.

EISSN 2602-4829