HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles



İstanbul Üniversitesi Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2012; 9: 1-16
Read: 3082 Downloads: 1226 Published: 01 November 2019

In this age of fast changes it is inevitable to transform the concepts of education and foreign language teaching. Life long learning is likely to transform the notion of education bringing new perspectives such as holistic world view on education, respect to variety, supporting autonomy and self awareness, motivating the use of language learning strategies, and – by the help of these strategies – guiding to success in learning more than one foreign language, evaluating educational processes and activities in this context. Foreign language learning helps individuals to compare and contrast their own being with other beings, thus brings more tolerance and respect, which would enable a more democratic world to emerge. This study aims at exemplifying the use of foreign language learning strategies in the English language learning coursebooks provided by Turkish Ministry of Education. In the context of this paper, a framework has been compiled by the widely accepted classifications of foreign language learning strategies in the field. Seven coursebooks from fourth grade to tenth grade which are extensively used in the schools of Ministry of Education are selected and examined with this framework. As a result of the examination, it has been found that activities requiring the cognitive strategies to be used have taken the most place whereas activities requiring the metacognitive strategies to be used the least. Under the light of these findings, it is questionable whether students who are learning languages using these books are ready for the lifelong learning, especially when the strategy training is pursued indirectly and strategies are not stressed and varied.

EISSN 2602-4829