HAYEF: Journal of Education
Research Articles



MEB/Üsküdar Lions İlköğretim Okulu Müdür Yardımcısı, İstanbul

HAYEF: Journal of Education 2012; 9: 49-59
Read: 3286 Downloads: 1177 Published: 01 November 2019

Brain researches, confirms that multiple complex and concrete experiences has vital importance for significant learning and teaching. This also means that; human brain shall be used in the best way and by using its endless capacity in communicating, knowing the conditions that maximize this process. Considering traditional education programmes, can be seen that the focus is on certain targets listed with a desultory and linear content. However, brain facts state that the brain processes like a information processing module and performs serial operations in the direction of coding and explaining every information. The Learner, with his/ her brain coded to see the relationship between links, continously waits stimuluses in this direction from the outer environs , and tries to compose his/her own data integrity. Mentalities adopted with the new curriculum, define the role of the learner in lerning situations well, and bring along desinging rich and proper experiences in structuring the content. In this research, functioning of the brain in this direction has been featured and concrete relationships between the new curriculum mentality and the curriculum variations were tried to be put out. Accordingly, it is obvious that, new curriculum have been designed primarily, suitable for the learner’s biological learning facts internally and realised applications are convenient to the universal brain-based learning principles teorically.

EISSN 2602-4829